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select set of packages from debian stable including security patches we will upgrade a package whenever it gets upgraded in debian stable the “r r commended package on our image is up to date with debian stable http packages debian org search Email LinkQuick LookMaximizeHome
select set of packages from debian stable including security patches we will upgrade a package whenever it gets upgraded in debian stable the “r r commended package on our image is up to date with debian stable http packages debian org search Email LinkQuick LookMaximizeHome
the oldstable distribution wheezy these problems have been fixedin version 1 0 1e 2 deb7u18 for the stable distribution jessie these problems have b en fixed inversion 1 0 1k 3 deb8u2 for the unstable distribution sid these problems have been Email LinkQuick LookMaximizeHome
the oldstable distribution wheezy these problems have been fixedin version 3 2 73 2 deb7u1 in addition this update contains severalchanges originall targeted for the upcoming wheezy point release for the stable distribution jessie these problems Email LinkQuick LookMaximizeHome