it to a certain style of jpg seems frivolous to me shoot raw jpg or better yet shoot raw and then use google 39 s nik package in lightroom to far ex eed what any in camera effects can do or just join instagram and apply th effects they offer Email LinkQuick LookMaximizeHome
true many pros only shoot jpg i shoot raw jpg on the d4 putting raw on the xqd card and jpg on the cf if i desperately need an image immediately for web use i use the jpg for print i always use the raw file works like a charm and i have a Email LinkQuick LookMaximizeHome
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really good if you shoots jpgs you can take a lot of shoots before get stuck with the buffer i recommend to you to take that f2 8 lens for people sh ots i recommend the sigma 17 70 f2 8 lens greetings 6 upvotes by richard kwon 1 month ago the 2 Email LinkQuick LookMaximizeHome
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