should put this in the cons section though i know its not pany 39 s fault if fuji knows how to really make sensors after sitting two months tossing etween this one and fuji xe 2 i just ordered pany gx7 whatever the small cons are this camera Email LinkQuick LookMaximizeHome
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or dished outt add the pros and cons or subtract the cons from the pros i missed that memo comment edited 28 seconds after posting 11 upvotes by kcc c 6 months ago it is not a simple number counting game yes it got quite a number of cons but Email LinkQuick LookMaximizeHome
for iq while fx still considered the best for overall iq lens aside sure there are dbmf but it 39 s from another consumer market league fx aps c cou d be considered in the same consumer league 0 upvotes by ezradja 4 months ago nex 3 sensor Email LinkQuick LookMaximizeHome
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would still call it a simple consumer telephoto 2 upvotes by brendon1000 4 months ago its an expensive simply consumer telephoto p 0 upvotes by sir orey of deane 4 months ago the pros in the conclusion of this lens 39 test seem to indicate it 39 s Email LinkQuick LookMaximizeHome
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