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ecology evolution fungi microbes paleontology plants news in brief microbes mini ‘solar panels’ help yeast shine at churning out drug ingredient microbes equipped with light harvesting semiconductor particles generate useful chemicals Email LinkQuick LookMaximizeHome
more science visualized microbes health gut bacteria respect diets not borders by erika engelhaupt 9 56am january 6 2014 facebook twitter google diet divides people in malawi and venezuela have similar microbes in their guts even though Email LinkQuick LookMaximizeHome
variation of human gut microbes tied to obesity feb 14 2014 researchers know that obese people have a different balance of microbes in their guts more firmicutes fewer bacteroidetes now researchers have found that people living in northern www.sciencedaily.comEmail LinkQuick LookMaximizeHome
ecology evolution fungi microbes paleontology plants matter energy chemistry condensed matter materials physics quantum physics growth curve parenti g guidelines pregnancy child development health content type any article blog post magazine Email LinkQuick LookMaximizeHome
cells in the brain certain microbes in the gut slow a fruit fly’s walking pace scientists report fruit flies missing those microbes — and that s gnal — turn into hyperactive speed walkers with the normal suite of gut microbes drosophila Email LinkQuick LookMaximizeHome
variation of human gut microbes tied to obesity well child visits linked to more than 700 000 subsequent flu like illnesses mathematical beauty acti ates same brain region as great art or music eat spinach or eggs for faster reflexes tyrosine Email LinkQuick LookMaximizeHome
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ecology evolution fungi microbes paleontology plants matter energy chemistry condensed matter materials physics quantum physics growth curve parenti g guidelines pregnancy child development health content type any article blog post magazine Email LinkQuick LookMaximizeHome