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q does impala support odbc and jdbc drivers while you can use odbc drivers impala is also a great engine for third party tools connected through jdb you can download and install the impala client jdbc driver from http elasticmapreduce s3 Email LinkQuick LookMaximizeHome
padr atilde o os drivers jdbc e odbc personalizados para o amazon redshift est atilde o dispon iacute veis para download na guia connect client do n sso console n oacute s validamos integra ccedil otilde es com fornecedores populares de bi e LinkQuick LookMaximizeHome
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데이터와 표준 odbc 및 jdbc 연결을 사용하는 비즈니스 인텔리전스 bi 도구에 빠른 쿼리 기능을 제공합니다 쿼리는 여러 개의 물리적 리소스로 분산되어 병렬 처리됩니다 aws management LinkQuick LookMaximizeHome
bi tools using standard odbc and jdbc connections queries are distributed and parallelized across multiple physical resources you can easily scale a amazon redshift data warehouse up or down with a few clicks in the aws management console or LinkQuick LookMaximizeHome
las conexiones estándar a odbc y jdbc las consultas se distribuyen y paralelizan entre varios recursos físicos puede aumentar o reducir el escalad de un almacén de datos de amazon redshift con facilidad con tan solo unos clics en aws LinkQuick LookMaximizeHome