server in linux 1 install vsftpd rpcbind and xinetd service using the following command yum install vsftpd rpcbind xinetd y 2 check vsftpd xinetd an rpcbind portmap exist and installed on the server rpm qa vsftpdvsftpd 2 2 2 6 el6 i686 rpm qa LinkQuick LookMaximizeHome
server in linux 1 install vsftpd rpcbind and xinetd service using the following command yum install vsftpd rpcbind xinetd y 2 check vsftpd xinetd an rpcbind portmap exist and installed on the server rpm qa vsftpdvsftpd 2 2 2 6 el6 i686 rpm qa LinkQuick LookMaximizeHome
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linux ftp server using vsftpd 0 august 18 2015 ftp server skytech vsftpd stands for very secure ftp daemon vsftpd is not just another popular unix l nux ftp server but vsftpd delivering outstanding performance by taking less memory it is read LinkQuick LookMaximizeHome
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